The “Photograph Contest” is underway for 2011.
Spring is heading toward summer, so grab your cameras and start clicking away!
You may submit up to 3 photos that you have shot in the past three years.
There will be three categories to enter; Landscape, Portrait and Snapshots. Each category will reward a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbon. Plus there will be a Best of Show winner.
We want shots of: Texas scenes, Masons, lodges, Events, good Family fun shots.
Just about anything that you desire to photograph.
Please submit a detailed description along with your photos.
The deadline is September 1, 2011, (cutoff date). This year the judges will be: Dick Brown, Erik Briseno, Jerry Smith, Rob Kyker, Darrell Hefley and J. Darrell Kirkley.
Email your photo entries to: jdarrell@jdkcom.com please write “Texas Photo Contest” in the subject line.
If you don’t have email, then you can send your photo print entries by US Mail to me at:
Photo Contest
J. Darrell Kirkley
P. O. Box 700383
Dallas, Texas 75370
Have Fun!
Thank you,
J. Darrell Kirkley Chairman