The July meeting of Collegium Solvitur Ambulando, Hollywood Lodge’s philosophical discussion group, has been been moved to Tuesday, July 26 at 7:30 p.m. It will be held in the Lodge’s social hall. Both the July and the August meetings have been moved to the last Tuesday of the month to accommodate the Lodge’s current degree schedule. We should have the meetings back on the last Thursday of the month starting in September.
Brother Mark Thie will be giving a presentation on Hermeticism, a history and how it relates to Masonry. Hermeticism is a belief system/religion based on teachings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus. Bro. Mark will be providing some excellent resources for those interested in learning more about this ancient mystery school.
This presentation and discussion is open to all masons. Dress code is casual or better.
Please direct ANY and ALL questions about the group to Mark Thie at mcthie01@gmail.com and Daniel Navama at gkavod@yahoo.com.
Sheldon Mowrey
Junior Warden
Hollywood Lodge #355