The idea is for lodges from Kaitaia to Invercargill to hold a morning tea at 10am on Saturday 30th July 2011.
The Freemasons Longest Morning Tea – stretching the length of the country!
It is easy to organise – lots of fun – will help someone in your community – and raise your profile. Show them that Freemasons are still there and that
we care.
It’s simple because it only requires members to provide plate of food for the Morning Tea and collect a gold coin donation from those participating which will then be given to your choice of a local community charity / organisation.
Some ideas to make your Longest Morning Tea a success…
Involve all your members, partners, widows, and families.
Why not get the whole community along to The Freemasons Longest Morning Tea with local advertising (Freemasons New Zealand providing A4 and A3 Flyers/Posters in hard or
soft copy).
Involve the community organisation, who is benefiting from your donation, in the event. They may have some good ideas and of course they will swell your numbers because it is in their interest to also support the event.
Pick a cause with a local connection so that everyone in the community can see the funds raised are coming back to
the area.
Your own Lodge might want to add to the gold coin donations by making an additional donation. Why not look to raise additional funds on the day with a Charity Raffle, Competitions, etc.
If the organisation you choose meets The Freemasons Charity criteria you may be able to get a One for One Subsidy from them. Ask prior to your event – not afterwards!!
If you are in a Freemasons Centre with other Lodges you could organise a combined Longest Morning Tea. Strength in numbers.
Most important – have fun! It is a social occasion where camaraderie and fellowship should be the real objective.